The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit is the link between the EtherNet/IP multi-vendor network and the NX-series I/O Units and Safety Units. With wide variety of the I/O Units and Safety Units, the NX-series is the perfect match for the CJ-series and multi-vendor controllers.
Up to 63 NX-IO Units can be connected to one EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit Standard and high-performance units can be mixed Each Coupler plus its I/O form just a single EtherCAT node on the network I/O control and safety control can be integrated by connecting Units for safety The IP address can be found on the label on the Unit, without using software Slave configuration by Sysmac Studio can be done centrally via the controller, or on-the-spot using the Coupler's built-in USB port Input per Coupler Unit: Maximum 504 bytes, Output per Coupler Unit: Maximum 504 bytes