The Siemens SIMATIC WinCC software comes with RC 512 (512 PowerTags). The runtime/configuration software comes on DVD and license key on USB flash drive. It is executable in Windows 7 Prof/Ent/Ult +SP1 (32-bit)/ 7 Prof/Ent/Ult +SP1 (64-bit)/ 8.1 Prof./Ent (32-bit)/ 8.1 Prof./Ent (64-bit)/ 10 Prof./Ent (64-bit)/ Server 2008 R2+SP1 (64-bit)/ Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)/ Server 2016 (64-bit).
5 languages (de, en, fr, es, it Set contains 2x DVD and 1x USB