The Digilent Cmod module is a small, 48-pin DIP form factor board built around a Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA. The board also includes a USB-JTAG programming circuit, USB-UART bridge, clock source, Pmod host connector, SRAM, Quad SPI flash, and basic I/O devices. These components make it a formidable, albeit compact platform for digital logic circuits and MicroBlaze embedded softcore processor designs. An FPGA is a semiconductor device consisting of a matrix of Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) connected through programmable interconnects. The user determines these interconnections by programming SRAM. A CLB can be simple (AND, OR gates, etc) or complex (a block of RAM). The FPGA allows changes to be made to design even after the device is soldered into a PCB.
Features and Benefits
33280 logic cells in 5200 slices (each slice contains 4 x 6-input LUTs and 8 x flip-flops) 1800Kbit fast block RAM 5 x clock management tiles, each with a phase-locked loop (PLL) 90 x DSP slices Internal clock speeds exceeding 450MHz Onboard IS61WV5128BLL-10BLI 512KB SRAM Onboard N25Q032A 4MB Quad-SPI flash memory MicroUSB connector Onboard FT2232HQ USB-UART bridge 2 x user LEDs User RGB LED 2 x user pushbuttons 48-pin DIP connector with 44 x GPIO and 2 x analogue inputs Standard Pmod 2 x 6-pin connector Power supply is either from USB or external ranging between 3.3V and 5.5Vdc connected to DIP pins